Thursday, April 7, 2011, it's been a while...

let's try about 19 1/2 months.
so many times i have thought to myself, "i need to blog" followed quickly by the thought "um, where do i even begin?" rather than clue you into the incredible amount of guilt i feel for not capturing every moment on this blog, i'm just going to give a few glimpses into life over the past 19 or so months.
it has been nothing short of amazing to be emery's mommy. she is the joy of our lives, and we are the luckiest parents in the world to call this little "beebs" our own.

she has grown from this precious babe... this bright eyed beauty...

...with this in between...

i set up an email account for emery so that i could write to her and keep track of her life along the way. but i also hope to be better about keeping up with this blog. it's a great way to document life...all those things that i think i'll remember but somehow quickly forget...because life just passes by too quickly. and all of the sudden, your sweet little baby girl is running around asking to use your lip gloss and trying to put on your bra. :)

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